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국가 장애인 보험법안 추진
  • 작성일 2012.12.06.
  • 조회수 2173
국가 장애인 보험법안 추진의 내용

국가 장애인 보험법안 추진

□ 관련 내용

○ 영구 장애를 가진 40만 장애인이 경제적이고 인간적인 삶을 영위할 수 있게 도와줄 수 있는 국가 차원의 장애인 보험제도를 도입하는 법안 발의(2012. 11. 29.)

○ 내년 5월에 법안을 통과하여 7월 시행하는 것을 목표


* 출처: Daily Telegraph(호주 일간지, 원문 아래 첨부)


□ 시사점

장애인의 복지를 향상하기 위한 방안으로 국가 차원의 공적인 보험제도를 별도로 마련하는 방안에 대한 검토 필요


Julia Gillard in parliament this morning, as she took a first step to setting up a National Disability Insurance Scheme.


PRIME Minister Julia Gillard has taken the first legislative step towards establishing a National Disability Insurance Scheme on parliament's final sitting day for the year.


Ms Gillard described the National Disability Insurance Scheme Bill 2012 as complex legislation with a simple moral insight at its heart.


"This bill will inscribe in our laws a substantial and enduring reform that will fundamentally change the nature of disability care and support in this nation," she told parliament on Thursday.


"It will bring an end to the tragedy of services denied or delayed."


The insurance scheme was ambitious but needed to be, to help more than 400,000 people living with significant and permanent disabilities.


"The nation is being robbed of the human and economic potential of people living with disability and the contribution they can make to our shared future," Ms Gillard said.




The government intends to send the bill to a Senate committee for detailed consideration.


There will be public consultation on regulations accompanying the scheme.


Ms Gillard hopes to bring the bill to a vote in May 2013, with the intention of the scheme starting from July.





* 본 자료를 법제처 해외파견 근무자로부터 수집한 자료입니다.

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