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캐나다 연방정부의 the Protecting Children from Internet Predators Act 추진 동향
  • 작성일 2012.03.26.
  • 조회수 4020
캐나다 연방정부의 the Protecting Children from Internet Predators Act 추진 동향의 내용

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-캐나다 연방정부의 the Protecting Children from Internet Predators Act 추진 동향 -




1. 검토배경 및 추진이유


○ 최근 우리나라에서는 인터넷과 스마트폰을 통한 트위터와 같은 소셜네트워크(SNS)의 광범위한 사용과 함께 총선에 따른 선거운동의 가부 등 새로운 인터넷 서비스를 통한 다양한 법률적 문제가 노출되고 있는 상황임.

○ 지난 2월 14일 캐나다 연방정부에서도 아동보호를 목적으로 인터넷수사권을 강화하기 위해 [the Protecting Children from Internet Predators Act]를 하원에 상정함.


연방정부는 인터넷 사용인구가 폭발적으로 늘어나면서 아동 범죄를 단속하기가 점점 어려워지고 있어 아동 보호를 위해서는 반드시 인터넷 수사권 강화가 필요하다고 강조하는 반면, 야당을 비롯한 사회 일각에서는 인터넷 수사권 강화는 개인의 사생활을 침해할 가능성이 있고 인터넷 환경 발전에도 저해가 된다며 강하게 반발하고 있음.


2. 주요 내용


□ 인터넷서비스 공급자(telecommunications service providers -TSP)의 의무


○ 인터넷 서비스 공급자와 통신사는 경찰과 보안당국(CSIS)을 지원할 수 있도록 통신 감청시스템을 유지 관리하여야 함


○ 인터넷 서비스 공급자와 통신사는 경찰, CSIS 와 Competition Bureau officals에게 이용자(subscriber)의 이름, 주소, 전화번호, email, 인터넷 프로토콜주소, 그리고 the service provider의 이름을 제공해야 함


□ 제한 요건


○ 캐나다 시민의 Privacy 보호를 위해 TSP에 이용자 정보를 요청할 수 있는 CSIS 요원과 법집행공무원의 수를 엄격해 제한하고, recording, reporting, and auditing을 요청하기 위해서 별도의 요청절차에 따라 신청하도록 하고 있음.


○ 이법은 도청(interception)을 통한 수사를 위해서 법원의 명령(Court orders)이나 영장(Warrants)을 필요로 할 때 그 신청절차를 간소화하고 있음


○ 범죄(old crimes)를 저지르는 새로운 방법을 커버할 수 있도록 the Criminal Code 의 위법행위(offences)를 update하고, 형법과 the the Criminal Code와 Competition Act에 production and preservation orders과 같은, 새로운 맞춤형 조사도구(investigation tools)를 마련함


○ 예외적인 상황에서 개인 통신에 대한 감청(interception)을 하는 경우 안전장치(Safeguards)로 보고 및 통지를 하도록 함


□ 감시 대상


감시 대상은 트위터 및 페이스북과 같은 SNS(소셜 네트워크 서비스)뿐만 아니라 채팅 프로그램 및 휴대전화로 주고 받는 메시지 및 통화내역 등도 포함

3. 검토결과


◯ 새로운 기술이 개발됨에 따라 새로운 유형의 위법행위가 발생하고 있지만, 이러한 변화에 맞게 관련법령이 적시에 마련되기 어려워, 이러한 행위에 대한 수사 및 처벌이 어려운 것이 사실임.


◯ 그러나 SNS나 스마트폰과 같은 새로운 기술은 이미 많은 사람들이 사용하고 있는 상태로서 이를 통한 법위반 사례도 빈번한 만큼 선진국의 사례를 참고하여, 위반행위 및 적절한 수사기법을 마련해야겠지만, 개인의 프라이버시를 침해 하지 않는 방안도 동시에 고려하여야 할 것임.



4. Legislative Summary


A legislative summary is currently being prepared for this bill by the Parliamentary Information and Research Service of the Library of Parliament. Meanwhile, the following executive summary is available. On 14 February 2012, the Minister of Public Safety introduced Bill C-30, An Act to enact the Investigating and Preventing Criminal Electronic Communications act and to amend the Criminal Code and other Acts (Protecting Children from Internet Predators Act), in the House of Commons and it was given first reading.Part 1 enacts the Investigating and Preventing Criminal Electronic Communications Act, which requires telecommunications service providers to put in place and maintain certain capabilities that facilitate the lawful interception of information transmitted by telecommunications and to provide basic information about their subscribers to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, the Commissioner of Competition and any police service constituted under the laws of a province.Part 2 amends the Criminal Code in respect of authorizations to intercept private communications, warrants and orders and adds to that Act new investigative powers in relation to computer crime and the use of new technologies in the commission of crimes. Among other things, it• provides that if an authorization is given under certain provisions of Part VI, the judge may at the same time issue a warrant or make an order that relates to the investigation in respect of which the authorization is given;• provides that the rules respecting confidentiality that apply in respect of a request for an authorization to intercept private communications also apply in respect of a request for a related warrant or order;• requires the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness to report on the interceptions of private communications made without authorizations;• provides that a person who has been the object of an interception made without an authorization must be notified of the interception within a specified period;• permits a peace officer or a public officer, in certain circumstances, to install and make use of a number recorder without a warrant;• extends to one year the maximum period of validity of a warrant for a tracking device and a number recorder if the warrant is issued in respect of a terrorism offence or an offence relating to a criminal organization;• provides the power to make preservation demands and orders to compel the preservation of electronic evidence;• provides new production orders to compel the production of data relating to the transmission of communications and the location of transactions, individuals or things;• provides a warrant to obtain transmission data that will extend to all means of telecommunication the investigative powers that are currently restricted to data associated with telephones; and• provides warrants that will enable the tracking of transactions, individuals and things and that are subject to legal thresholds appropriate to the interests at stake.It also amends offences in the Criminal Code relating to hate propaganda and its communication over the Internet, false information, indecent communications, harassing communications, devices used to obtain telecommunication services without payment and devices used to obtain the unauthorized use of computer systems or to commit mischief.Part 2 also amends the Competition Act to make applicable, for the purpose of enforcing certain provisions of that Act, the new provisions being added to the Criminal Code respecting demands and orders for the preservation of computer data and orders for the production of documents relating to the transmission of communications or financial data. It also modernizes the provisions of the Act relating to electronic evidence and provides for more effective enforcement in a technologically advanced environment.Lastly, it amends the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Act to make some of the new investigative powers being added to the Criminal Code available to Canadian authorities executing incoming requests for assistance and to allow the Commissioner of Competition to execute search warrants under the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Act.Part 3 contains coordinating amendments and coming-into-force provisions.



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